Sunday, November 6, 2011

I need help with an essay on Hamlet?

Well, Hamlet's responsibility is to avenge the death of his father. The ghost conveyed to him that Claudius usurped his father via murder and treason. There's this quote that goes something like "If thy ever didst thy father love... Revenge my most foul and unnatural murder." It occurs somewhere around the ghost scene. But it seems that Hamlet is conscious about a moral code he should abide by - near the beginning of the play, he contemplates suicide, but recognizes that this would infringe upon God's will. So one of the problems of revenge is that it may conflict with our morals, values, etc. In the prayer scene for example, we see Hamlet's conscience in action. Hamlet's revenge is also somewhat hypocritical - he is avenging his father's death which was an act of regicide (killing of the king), yet he plots to kill king Claudius. Someone is bound (and technically, the citizens of Denmark have a responsibility to) avenge the death of Claudius, but by killing Hamlet (who is prince), this could also be categorized as treason. This cyclical nature of revenge and retribution is also another problem.

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