Saturday, November 5, 2011

What is this ?? does it mean i still may be pregnant ?!? help plz?

okk so yesterday morning i took a pregnancy test it came back negative but my period isnt due for another week exactly could i have tested to early bcuz yesterday after noon i went to pee & wiped this big cunk of clear sticky strechy discarge coming out of me i normally have a watery discharge that obsorbs into my pad but it was to thick this time is that a sign of pregnacy plus last night when i came home i could smell the macarroni mama cooked before i came home and i could hardly stand the smell.and the other day while cooking chicken strips i got hot of the heat of the stove and started feeling dizzy but that never happens to me. also ive bn having bad moodswings bcuz last nite i got upset & started crying bcuz my sister wouldnt tlk to me on facebook when i was telling her about my symptomive had & i felt like no one wanted to tlk but i know it was late [1am] & she was tired but i still couldnt stop cryin about it i felt so stupid after that & started cryin again bcuz i was so emotional & didnt know what was wrong with me & i cant go to the doctor at the moment bcuz no insurence but im trying to get that fixed as soon as defack notafies me but it may be a month or two. does this sound like pregnancy or am i just worried ??? if im not pg what could it be ??? im on the birth control pill but ive bn missing it alot this past month ive bn very forgetful & i cant get it this coming month bcuz no money or medicaid

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