Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm pretty sure I'm depressed.?

Ah I know that feeling so well (not the hurting myself part, but my father was diagnosed with cancer last summer and it's such a emotional roller coaster.) You should never try to get a diagnoses threw a computer screen love. You need to see a doctor and even a counselor. I see one. I didn't want to but made me feel a lot better to have someone to talk to outside of the picture/your life ya know? Sometimes you need medication, sometimes you don't. Anti depressants made it worse for me but did wonders for people around me that decided to take them. Before you think of harming yourself (or before you actually go threw with it I should say) rethink about seeing a doctor to see what their best choice for you is. I'm sorry life is so tough for you right now <3

What do you call what I'm wearing now?

O.k. I've just turned 30 and my fashion style has changed.But what do you call it? I used to be alternative. To club I used to wear short jean skirt [looked torn} and a brightly colored vintage type top with leather boots. Last night I wear a loose fitting [but slightly figuring hugging} purple dress with hot pink shoes. PAstels for make-up instid of dark. I used to wear torn jeans and rocker shirt or low cut top daily. Now, I wear cotton t-shirts, print tops and jeans, shorts or those pants that don't come all the way to ankle. What is this style of dressing called? And am I trading up or sacrificing identity? I've noticed more people like me ... they way like me better. Is it the clothes?

What makes some people more ticklish than others?

My guess would be genetics. I think it's one of those things like how some of us can only raise one eyebrow independently, when others can do both, or like cankles.

Are pugs supposed to be good natured dogs?

I own one and they are the sweetest dogs ever! Mine is 4 years old and he is just so funny. They act like a little human and a little clown. Mine gets along really good with other dogs, he just get a little rowdy with my mom's Shih Tzu, which we got both nearly the same time, which is just them wanting to play. I hope you don't mind a dog that will follow you around the house and that stares at you. That is what a Pug will do because they thrive on companionship.

I made a decision, but did I make the right one?

my ADHD just kicked in, I gotta go take my medicine then I'll be back to help you solve your relationship worries--wait for me?

The movie, knowing with nicholas cage.. scarry?

i AM petrified of scary movies. i am petrified of ghosts and all those other unreal things.. i could not sit through the ring or the grudge, in fact the grudge is the last thing i have seen. I REFUSe to watch scary movies.. will knowing bother me? how scary was it? was it scary for reasons that its the end of the world or do supernatural things occur that i would be afraid of?

Hey a Funny one?

LMSUIAO I cant believe you told that one and even worse is that I cant believe I find it so fecking funny......... Star

Why does every girl part her hair to the side?

I think it's because on most people, hair parted on the side flatters the face more than parting it in the middle.

Is there a game like GTA which lets kids drive ,fly etc on a seemingly endless terrain but has no violence ?

I am looking for a game for the age group of <10 years, in which one can drive different modes of tranport (plane , car , bus, boat etc) on an endless terrain . It should be completely non-violent.

Had a college related question?

yes, most colleges have payment plans. you have to sign up for them before you register your cles. ask an advisor or someone in the financial aid department.

Is there anyone in or from Texas who is embared the Dixie Chicks are from here?

Natalie Maines and the other two (whoever they are) are disgraces to our state! And they think we're going to buy another album?????? I mean is it pop or country? Oh yeah, they are the same now!


Innocent men glared through prison bars, watching the people drown, for their fear of turning around to face the fire that would surely kill them in moment’s time. Their faces pressed up against the cold bars; a tear rolled down a man’s face. It fell onto the hard bricks that made then slanted window sill; the tear formed a puddle, and slowly trickled over the edge and plunged into the icy waters below. The water crashed up onto the cities’ walls, breaking off old bricks and dragging them to the bottom. Ships raised their sails in the distance; lit up by the burning city, the burning city that lit up the world that night a torch, the resemblance of cruelty. The man in jail stared out at the ship and noticed something rather odd. At the top of the boat there was a cloaked figure. His cloak waving in the fierce wind his hood slipped off his head; a bright light flashed into the prisoners face and for a moment he was blinded by it. When the light had receded the cloaked figure was gone. The fire burned the hay that was carelessly tossed about the cell. The fire’s roared as it consumed his cellmates, one by one. Slowly burning their flesh until the pain seared to deep into their hearts, to the point where they could not withstand it. Their screams did not reach his ears. As the flesh burned, blackening, and turning to ash, he realized he was on the brink of his own demise. He walked backward with his palms turned up to the ceiling his eyes closed, his arms held out his sides. Between the screams of less valiant men, his calm voice could be heard.

Was Mozart given an improper burial?

According to the movie Amedaus, the prodigy was buried in a m grave , wrapped in tarp and rope and dumped and forgotten as if he was no one ! How accurate was this portrayal, because there are so many versions to this rumor? According to this it was an unmarked grave. Has anyone been able to pin point the exact location to this day?

Fantasy Football Start Dilemma?

I have one RB/WR spot to fill. Do I start Cadillac Williams against Carolina, Jeremy Maclin against Oakland, or Johnny Knox against Atlanta? There's no points per reception and its 10 yards= 1 point and TD = 6 points for both RB and WR.

Do I really need to see a doctor for this?

I haven't been feeling really sick so I'm hesitant to go to the doctor, but I've been having some persistent symptoms. I started getting post nasal drip and a wet cough a little over two weeks ago. The drip stopped after three or four days, but the cough kept on getting worse for about a week and produced some green/yellow phlegm. Over the last few days, though, my cough has gotten worse, and I noticed that my post nasal drip is back. My chest rattles sometimes when I take a deep breath to cough and it's usually clear, but sometimes has varying amounts and colors of phlegm. Sometimes there's actually a lot. Overall, though, I don't feel sick. I'm not overly exhausted or queasy or anything, and I'm pretty sure that I haven't had a fever. Is this something that I should bother going in about if I feel okay?

My kid is holding her poop?

She takes a daily sup. of fiber but she still dose not want to go. We have to force her to sit on the toilet all day long but still nothing. It's been 5 days. She is squeezing her together as hard as she can. This is really frustrating and scary i don't know if it will hurt her. She does this every month or so then she'll be fine then refuse to go again. I've tried the tub and other meds. It's all in her head. I tried to tell her everyone in the world poops and sometimes it may hurt a little but nothing is working. I keep saying try or we are going to the hospital but nothing is working yet.

How to control my anger for BIL &SIL who borrowed money from my DH and have not payed us back?

About a year ago my DH loaned his brother and our SIL $2000. They needed the money to move out of state. They were kicked out of thier previous rental home for reasons unknown but I am sure it was financial. MY BIL called and begged for the money and needed the money ASAP. My DH felt obligated to help his only sibling however like me we knew that my BIL & SIL are not responsible when it comes to anything especially money. MY BIL was desperate and so my DH decided to take a chance and "loan' them the money with the understanding that they would pay it back in monthly installments. We had to take the money to loan them out out our bank and explained to him that after 6 months there would be interest involved. He agreed and advised us that he had a good job waiting for him in his new city as well as one for his wife/SIL. Well of course they moved and we never heard from them. We did locate them eventyally and they ignored our emails, calls regarding the payback money. We eventually got a check for $50 which bounced! After another 5 mths of asking for payment we got a money order for $25 only with a note saying that they would be paying us $150 monthly...which was fine with us. Then again nothing from them. My husband send another email/letter with the breakdown of what they owe etc... We just got another money order for $15 only and no note. I understand that money may be tight but their lack of communication is what bothers us the most. What would you do? I know we should probably just write it off but I can't take their facebook updates of what they are up to with going out, buying iphones, trying to concieve etc. We are their family and I am sick of being treated like the enemy from them. advice?

Why does it not make sense?

for all parties who profess to be serving this country to form a coalition government and =move away from party politics=, this worked well during the war period why not now?there does need to be a complete rethink regarding the politics in this country it has been made very clear to the general public= that we can no longer trust the elected MPs= both in the government and the opposition parties, our seat of government used to be recognised as the mother of all parliamentary democracy it is widely recognised now as one of the most corrupt, bringing shame not only on the Mps themselves but on the houses of parliament and this country. what do you think folks.??

Does anyone from the UK remember rationing?

It was 13th April 1950, my 6th birthday, a secondhand pair of shoes, grey socks up to the knees with a red line on the skin from the elastic, a NEW camelhaired coat bought with a provident cheque, a shiny sixpence and two ration coupons to buy my birthday treat of sweets at the local corner shop. My shoelace was undone so I placed my sixpence on the two coupons on the counter and bent down to tie them, on standing up my coupons were missing. I asked the shopkeeper if he had seen them and got a clip on the ear for being cheeky, no coupons no sweets, some birthday treat. although my parent were sympathetic, there was little they could do, I never forgot. Did anyone else suffer as a child with rationing?

Really quick Q - u dont need to have any prior knowledge to answer this Q... so just click. it'll take a sec.

ask the timeless question, '...is our children learning?" But paraphrase it, since you're a children. So you could say "Is we learning, whoop whoop" or something

Curious on trigonometry?

No, it is not. You have to take the sin^(-1) (read "sine inverse") of 4/5 to get the original angle "x" (which is about 53.13 degrees). In order to get the original angle, you have to take the respective inverse functions of each sin, cos, and tan.

Could someone please provide a thoughtful opinion here?

You might get more knowledgeable replies in the "Higher Education" category. However, my opinion on extending a date would be that low enrollment may well be the case. They certainly wouldn't need to do that if there were plenty in the cl. You are likely correct.

Okay so what is verbal and emotional abuse really?

I mean I've heard of the broad definition and according to that everyone has been emotionally and/or verbally abused. So why is it so hard to pinpoint compared to the other types of abuse (more obvious physical or ual)? And why does it seem like a parent is less likely to get in trouble or have their kids taken away, from verbally and emotionally abusing them more so than the obvious types of abuse?

What monologue should i read?

When choosing a monologue, it's not always important to pick from a story you know/like. It's MORE important to find a monologue that has text you can relate to personally. In order to be able to do that, you need to pick a monologue with lots of emotion, that way you can get into the meaning and really shine when you perform it!

Will i be convicted of dui?

You had your chance to explain what happened and failed to do so. A court could realistically believe that you have made up this story to try to prevent being prosecuted and the obvious question is "when you were arrested, why didn't you mention this to the police?" If you cannot come up with a good enough reason, then you would be looking at a conviction.

Has anyone used drive legal or consolidated sun p tickets?

I currently have 71 toll violations from sun p and my license is currently suspended. I would like to know if anyone knows how can i get my license reinstated w/o having to pay each ticket separately and getting a point per license. Has anyone used the drive legal program or consolidated sun-p tickets? or does anyone knw any other way i can get my license back w/o getting it revoked?

Who's the AFC Peyton of the Year -- Manning or Hillis?

I think it's the the era of a new Peyton. He's obviously the best running back the Browns ever had, right?

When did surnames as first names become popular in America?

I'm interested as in England names like Taylor, Clarke, Porter, Carter are usually surnames, whereas in America there seem to be a lot of uni names like Taylor for example. Does anyone know how this trend in first names came about?

I need help brainstorming for a tattoo cover up idea for my back - Help!?

Honestly, I would do this brainstorming with the artist you choose to do the cover piece. He/she will be able to see your back & how much space they have to work with, in addition to how big the original flag is. I'm getting a cover up on my back as well, & the process is a lot more difficult than it sounds. Good luck!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Is the confederate flag offensive to you?

I have noticed a few users claiming Obama is a fascist while using the confederate flag as their avatar. This symbol is no less offensive to me than a swastika, perhaps more offensive as this flag has affected me negatively in my lifetime. Most people who call me names embrace this flag; how is it "pc" to call the president a fascist while embracing the confederate flag?

POLL: Bacon or Brownies?

I wil have some bacon and a brownie for dessert,thank you. That is like trying to twiddle your thumbs in two different directions at the same time.

Twin turbo in a camaro?

I was wondering if it is possible to put a twin turbo into a v6, or v8 camaro. I have both and I am mostly wanting to turbo the v6, don't tell me to put a v8 in it, I value v6's, because of my own beliefs on cars, but that is just me, no persecution please.

Anyone please help me with breathing question?

I am a 27 year old male...I used to weigh about 300 lbsabout 5 years ago...Through extensive running I am now at 175lbs..I run approx. 40 miles per week...Since the weight came off I have noticed I get some irregular heart beats every now and again (fluttering) And I can ALWAYS feel my heart beating...Recently (the past couple of weeks) I have been experiencing a difficult time catching a deep breath...And this scares me...I find myself having a very tough time when I'm running completely catching a deep breath...Now I do not get winded mind you...just can't catch the deep one...Now I know I am stupid because I smoke cigarettes and have tried to quit...and I definately drink much more than I should...I had a cardiac cath done two years ago and everything was fine...I guess my question is should I be concerned about this breathing pattern over the last two weeks...Could it be heart related? Or could it be something that is a concern in my lungs...I am apprehensive to go to the DR. because I have been there so many times in the past two years with heart related concerns and they never find anything...I also take lexipro for mild anxiety...Any help would be MUCH MUCH appreciated

Gles at Air Force Basic?

Im leaving For Air Force BMT in about a week. I have perfect vision in my left eye but only 20/25 in my right eye. My question is will i have to wear gles during basic? The idea of marching across the parade field in front f my family and friends wearing those hideous Military issue "goggles" doest excite me very much.

DIVERSITY, MULTICULTURALISM; Why does the USA have to "push" something that is supposed to be so great?

Good point. And it's against nature and will fail and cause all sorts of problems. It's just simply balkanization. Who ever thought the free Western world would ever be forcing that?

Does anyone have any good charlie sheen jokes?

I have been in a serious mood for a good laugh and what's funnier than charlie sheen jokes?!? lol i love them so help me please!

I love my dad but I can't express it, please help?

When I was little, my dad was the best dad anyone could ever have. He did everything with me and we had the best relationship and I have never felt closer to anyone before. But things changed ever since I turned 12. He began to become very distant, we barely talked at all and he would get mad at me for no reason. I also hated the fact that he smoked and has been smoking for the past 25 years, and I am so afraid to lose him that I even have extreme nightmares of losing him and waking up crying hysterically. However, the main problem between us is we have no communication what so ever, one time we had a fight that lasted 3 months with him and I not speaking a single word to each other, and every time we have a fight, I have to be the one who always has to apologize even when he was wrong. Right now, we barely speak at home, and he's like a stranger to me, and even when we speak, it turns into a big fight with me screaming at him and him screaming at me and saying hurtful things like "I wish I didn't have a daughter like you, I don't even love you" etc. These things really hurt me, and I have confronted him before but he just never changes. I want to have the relationship we had before but right now it seems to me that is near impossible. I do admit, everytime we fight, we BOTH say hurtful things, and I always regret it afterwards, but I just can't help it. I've tried ignoring the comments he makes but there is a certain amount of pain a person can take. So please help me.. what should I do?

Certain navel bars are not very good?

They're not proper jewellery. Same as Claires stuff. l had a lip stud from there and it irritated my piercing. lt's best to get either Titanium, Bioplast or Teflon material.

How do you prevent rims from getting stolen?

You can do two things to help deter thieves. You can put locking lug nuts on each wheel. It takes a special "keyed" socket to take the lug nut off. But that isn't totally imperivial to thieves. Next is to put a good quality car alarm system in your car. Get one that has motion detectors, not just shock detectors. It also should have a key fob that receives notices from your alarm. That way if the alarm goes off you are notified by your key fob and not just by a siren that people ignore.

Quotes By Darren Criss?

What are your favorite quotes by Darren Criss? I can only find a few and I want to know what other quotes he is famous for :) thanks! :D

Basic comprehension of Pre-Calculus?

I get the equations but the teacher keeps mixing them up to find the answers. Like how are you suppose to get so much logic?

Which of the following disasters can be attributed to man?

Why should one be "responsible",if it`s not man`s fault???Tsunamis and earthquakes are Nature`expressions and as much as they are negatively affecting mankind,they are also essential for the natural equilibrium necessary for the planet.Your question implies that you might be an atheist,so I think that you must know that already...

Any Teen Jobs Ideas Marine Biology Related?

Hi, I am 17, and currently work at recreation center. I would like to go to college for Marine Biology and have a career on it and would like to look in to finding a new job that would give me a better shot at getting into a good marine bio program, and give me more experience/knowledge for the future. I don't have any aquariums near because im in AZ. I thought of possibly a petstore but I was trying to brainstorm something more creative.

Im starting a make youre own beer project?

im starting a make youre own beer project and would like a few recipe teasers please with name and full recipe for starters let me tell you the contents of my kit and well see what comes to mind i have four extracts four boosters four brewing yeast pacs and no hops optional?/ no unmalted extracts but ill get to that the flavor of the extracts are( west coast pale ale, secondly bewitched red ale, 3rd clic american blonde ale, lastly i have cowboy golden lager) these are mr beer products! so im open to recipes or if you know of any available through websites as well it would be appreciated!

Anti-Gay Agenda?

Because they're prejudice and bored, what other reasons do they need? It's sad I know but it's the internet after all.... :/

My boyfriend of 2 years recently doesnt want to have ....?

Maybe, He is feeling uncomfortable .. He must be having a problem. Maybe you should ask why he doesn't want to with you.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Very adult mature question. please dont take this lightly?

My bf had me use a vibrator on his and it didnt go in far but a few minutes later it bled a bit.. but hasnt anymore.. what does this mean?

Could you imagine the left's reaction if this whole internet kill switch subject were enacted by republican?

They don't seem to grasp the concept of how all of these things the Obama Administration is doing to enable the federal government with unprecedented power will remain in effect for future presidents whether it's a president they agree with or not. This is exactly why conservatives want the federal government significantly more restricted, so that no president can abuse or misuse the power available to the federal government.

How is Chiang Mai like if you've ever been there, and can you give suggestions on the best tourism spots?

Yes to all your questions. I've stayed there 6months. The weather in Dec is good, only a slight chance of rain and you'll only need a sweater if you're on a Honda at night - then a coat is a good idea. Stick to tuk tuks and taxis and you'll be OK with light clothing even at night.

Merle norman cosmetics?

I have been a loyal customer to Merle Norman since I was 16 years old. I love their cosmetics and have never had any issues. I am sure what you experienced was just a fluke, although if I were treated rudely by one of the company's ociates I may think about writing the company and explaining the situation before taking away my business completely. The one person you dealt with may not actually be representing the company's policies and preferences. Also, if you complain in writing, you may get some free cosmetics out of the whole ordeal.

How can i be affected if i want to sue the dealer where i bought my car???

i just bought a cadillac cts 2004 and the 1st weeks after i bought it it game me problems with the brakes. i took it to the dealer and they said they fixed it but i kept having the same problems. 2 weeks after i bought the car it left me stranded in the market and i had to get a tow truck to take it home. i took it to the dealer and they said they fixed it again but i continued having problems with it. I took it back the next day after they said they had fixed it and it turned out that the transmission was mest up. they told me it was going to take 4 weeks to fix so i could choose another car instead i chose another 2004 cts but they wanted me to pay more money because that cts was more expensive. i want to cancel the contract and everything now, but i do not kow if this will affect my credit or what outcome i will get out of this it has been 3 weeks since i bought the car HELP!!!

Does standing up doing "bench" presses increase chest/pectoral muscles?

Standing up disqualifies it as a bench press. And no. Keep w/ the push ups if you don't have a bench. Also, your pecs really don't do much in a swing like that. You want a tough shot? It needs to come from your core. Your power needs to come from the torque in your hips, abs, and back. Put some weight behind it, or it really won't matter.

I'd like to get into clic rock but I don't know where to begin. What do you suggest?

I was reading an article on rock music from back in the day. It did a lot of name dropping and I've heard of all of the bands but I don't really know the difference between most of them. The Who, Led Zeppelin, Crosby Stills and Nash, etc. I'd love to give them all a shot.. what songs do you recommend? And are there any other bands that I ought to know about? Thank you in advance!

I like him but I feel like im annoying him?

Usually i make jokes on this but ill be serious, ok this might be really hard for you to do but you have to try, and be more ......open? Like basically what the other comment said ask if you are bothering him if you wondering am I doing this too much and i doing that too much, ask him most boys would take that in a nice way

This guy asked me out i just need to know if im going about things the right way.?

Just say yes!! You've already said he's really sweet and brilliant (and if your mom rarely approves of anyone and she does of him, that's always a good sign!) Take a chance, go for it. If you say yes, yeah you're risking the same thing repeating, but all guys are different, and just because one guy did something jerky doesn't mean any others will. If you say no, you're risking regret and missing a chance with a great guy, so why not just go for it? I hope it works out for you, whatever you choose to do :]

What does this say about my personality?

Obviously I can't be sure without knowing you, but I'd say you're quite trendy and cultural. You have more depth than reality TV shows, preferring films, which speaks a lot about your cultural preferences. Seems like you are pretty detemined, considering your electronic taste in music and obviously your degree and college major. Even the fact that you put "catching the latest film" sorta tells me you like to keep active and have a pretty fast paced life. Hope this summed you up a bit. :D

Probation vs going to trial?

Anytime you shoot a weapon in a public area, you are looking at the potential for a prison sentence. Bullets ricochet, or they can travel through a car and continue a long way. If this was in an urban area, I doubt a jury would be too sympathetic with him.

How to replace 2002 Saab 9-5 ,2 L, 4 Cyl, turbo engine air filter? Thanks!?

It is just in front of the penger side wheel, at the very bottom of the engine compartment. Get under the car, and have a Torx screwdriver (there should be one next to the spare tire in the trunk if you don't already have one). If you have the Aero front spoiler, you may have to undo some screws to move it out of the way to get enough access. Looking under the car, it is a pretty big circley-shaped plastic housing, probably 8 or 10 inches across, held on by (IIRC) three torx screws. Undo those and lower the plastic and the air filter should fall right out with it. Just stuff the new one back in there and bolt everything back up, and you should be good to go!

Is it safe to feed my cats these foods?

I have a orange fat tabby cat and he likes pickles, strawberries and peanut er. i also have a skinny black cat that likes Melons. is it safe to feed my cats these??

Has anyone taken vacations trips by themselves?

I'm so burned out from work and online school that I'm taking a trip to Waikiki, Hawaii next month for some relaxation. I'm going by myself since my family members are too busy to go and my friends are too broke to come along. You think I might get bored there by myself??

How can I get a Ukrainian pport?

presuming you are now an adult and you were written into your mother's pport because you were then a child, you need contact the emby or consulate or find website for ukraine

Waaah! I'm Pining For My Blonde Girl Who's Away. Why Don't You All Chip In A Quid Each So We Can Be Together

Some pining you're doing! I've been looking for you all day! The only thing keeping me going is reading your answers from the last few days!

When dolly the sheep was cloned does it have the same dna of the age of the sheep?

DNA does not determine the age of an organism. Only it's genetic make up and how that is expressed. The age of Dolly the Sheep, as with any other animal, is determined by the amount of time the animal has been alive.

Holden apollo 92 may have engine/transmission troubles..help?

My holden apollo 92 model... suddenly lost acceleration and would only go faster than 30ks if the accelerator was pumped... to act like a clutch as it is an automatic. There also seems to be a high pitched rattling sound and the car now moans and it felt like the hand brake was on while driving (which it wasn't). It also stalled twice in 2 mins when I came to slow down or a hault. Does anyone know what happened????

Catholics what is your favorite devotion(saint or virgin)?

Hii I want to know what is your favorite devotion: a saint or virgin in special. what miracles has made for you? what things happened in your life?

Who is the backup singer for SLiPknoT?

i think it mite be corey onboth on the album,but when i watched them live it was chris fehn who did the bits in the brackets.

Will our great president buy me a house?

I aint gotz no mony, but my stamps are going up. I just got me a covetr box for my tv. stimules package for me and eight kidz i livin large. got me 8800 dollerz and me buying a boat. obama and we livin large god is bless obama

Why Did they South Declare SECESSION from the USA?

It was a states rights issue, mostly to do with tariffs and slavery. The South felt that the North was denying their constitutional states rights by enacting things that benefited the North and hurt the South, and then got mad at them when they tried to enact the Nullification Act which would have been a major victory for states rights. When Lincoln was elected president, they felt that the end was near, and they seceded.

Any one speak Persian? please translate.?

o yea e cell phone sabeeli ta ke change kadi....nomray ta barim send ko and chora hale aich online nameyayee? ee good news che ast...o dokhtar aga nomzod shoda bashi, 2 parait maikonom:) ke aina ba ma ale shooyak paida konii...LOL

If you saw a guy's profile on a personals website& he was one of those guys who takes pictures with lots of?

girls, like 3 pictures that he took each holding a different girl, and then one more picture where he is in the picture with 3 different girls holding all of them, would you be motivated to date that guy,or have that as your significant other, even think about getting to know that guy for marriage?

Help me what can i make for dinner!?

i have two pounds of ground beef and i dont have eggs to make meat, or enough cheese for lasagna, or EVEN ENOUGH spaghetti pasta for spaghetti. what can i make?? but i also dont want to make hamburger helper cuz ive already made too much of that. please i have 1/2 and hhour to decide!!!

How many states are in the united states?

my homework says how many states are north of the equator ... how many states are in the united states?

Would most love their marriage partner LESS if found out they had with someone else?

It's all about trust and intimacy. I could never trust or look at my husband the same way. I wouldn't necessary kick him out the house, but we most certainly be in separate rooms for a long time. But I really don't know how I would react, and hopefully I never will.

Can my husband and I withdraw money from our individual IRAs for a first time home purchase without penalty?

We would like to withdraw money from two individual IRA accounts to purchase our first home, but wonder if we file jointly will we have to pay an earned income penalty on one of them.

Is This True??

(for starters i dont care about any of you old emos. this is about emos now and i dont care if emo has lost its original meaning). An Emo is someone who dresses emo and listnes to emo music ( doesnt have to slit there wrists that a misconception). emo music is stuff like hawthorne heights and random stuff like that that sounds sad. this is what emos listen to. emos also listen to pop/ punk and post like greenday, paramore cute is what we aim for, MCR, fall out boy, aiden, the red jumpsuit apparatus and random stuff like that. the reason why i asked thst question is that ive been confued about what music emos listen to and what the difference between emo music and other music emos listen to.

Do you like the Conference Championship match-ups? Who do you like?

I love these games. We have the rematch of the two teams that hated eachother last year in the AFC. One team is looking to build on their Superbowl Dynasty and the other has never won the big game. Also, in the NFC There are two historic teams that have won their share of NFL Championships/Superbowls back in the day(The Packers have the most with 12 and the Giants have the third most with 6).They will battle it out in the Frozen Tundra, in the nasty, cold, football weather. It'll be sick.

What do American women look for in a man?

To American women the ideal husband is a docile schmuck who slaves away at work, pays her bills, and doesn’t pester her for . Marriage used to provide access to . Now it provides access to celibacy. And smart white men are going to asian women? Gee, what a surprise!!! Isn’t this true?

Should i join a fraternity in college?

For sure man, Fraternitys are awsome. Think about it you got any where from 10-60 brothers that you can connect with you will always find somthing to do on the weekends, Not only that there girlfrinds have girlfrinds you know how that works im sure. Most Fraternitys have sister sororityies now with that being said you might end up with a dog one as yours which happens. But go Tau Kappa Epsilon its the biggest Fraternity in the world.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Jg aug au2g- exterior barrel- Airsoft rifle?

My Jing Gong made Au2g's exterior barrel has come off and I don't know how to put it back on. Please help. Thanks.

Do you think Jerry Manuel will drop Oliver Perez from the rotation?

Last week, in St. Louis, he said he'd make changes in the rotation, if he wasn't happy with the results. He said he'd give Pelfrey, Maine, Perez and Livan all one more chance to prove they should be in the rotation. It seemed to work for Pelfrey, but pitch well on Saturday. However, Oliver Perez, like two of his three prior starts, was terrible. The most likely alternative, at least temporarily will be Nelson Figueroa, who was solid (6 IP 3 ER) when he made a spot start for Pelfrey last Sunday. Other options include prospects Jon Niese and Dillon Gee, along with Brandon Knight and Freddy Garcia (I doubt they'll use him yet though because it'd cost them 1.5 million to put him on the roster). I think Jerry will have more patience with Livan if he has a 6 IP 4 ER type start, since 2 of 3 of his starts to this point have been respectable. The only thing the Mets have going for them with Perez's next turn in the rotation is that he owned the Phillies last season, he tends to step up in the spotlight. Plus, the Phillies line-up has lots of lefties. I believe he'd be scheduled to pitch on Saturday, which may be nationally televised. The one thing they could do though is just skip Perez's turn in the rotation, since there's an off day Thursday. They could go with Pelfrey, Maine and Livan against the Phillies in the weekend series. They could use Ollie as a long reliever or mop up man in the mean time.

Are we making a mistake?

You can always get married now in the courthouse or whatever, and have an actual ceremony later when you're financially stable.

The Crusades and Inquisition happened centuries ago, can we all just start over?

Why should we be held responsible for something that happened long before any of us were ever born? We've all done something we're not proud of, can we all just admit that until we rid ourselves of our collective guilt, society's never going to improve? There are atheists and religious people alike that want to see a change, and until we put our intellects together and quit bickering over menial things on the internet, the world's going to stay the same. Let go of all of the hatred you hold on to. We're not so different. My R&S forumites, lets make a change today. The pion we use to cut each other down can be applied to building each other up. We can beat out swords into plowshares and out spears into pruning hooks. Join me as we start a cultural revolution of peace and compion.

When was Fannie Crosby born?

Fannie Crosby was a gospel writer who was born in the 19th century, but I can not remember her birthdate, and I need it for a paper!

Devin Hester, The Best Return Man Ever?

What will Hester bring this year for the Chicago Bears? Anybody think he will run any punts or kickoffs back for a touchdown?

Do brine shrimp do they need bubbles ALL the time?

i recently got a brine shrimp hatchery 2 weeks ago for my JD fry, which died cause the daddy went haywire and killed the mom n then the babies.. (they spawned 7 times before idk what got into him...) anyways, the brine shrimp are still alive.. i got the kit where you stick them in a 2 liter bottle and attach it to this base where you put the bubbler tube at the bottom and all.. i read u can feed them yeast.. so i gave them a pinch of it, and will do every week until the algae starts to grow.. tt.. i want to move them into a 'gold fish' bowl. i know gold fish cannot possibly live in one, but i seen it in walmart, bought it for the BS, and was wondering if i could put them in there.. and not put bubbles in it? or do they need full on bubbles? i know they need heat, and my house is real warm, especially in my room where all my fish are.. their tanks are a constant 75 F. but yeah could they live in a goldie bowl with no bubbles? or what could i do? info on BS would help alot!

Rate this song and do you know who sings it?

i was just about to fall in love with you but then you broke my heart into by saying i dont love you. that was really bad you made me deeply sad but i still cant forget you. why did you do that to me i would neva do that to u oooo ooooo .

Should we be concerned?

My boyfriend is spitting up bloody mucus. Hes had discomfort while swallowing and its getting more difficult by the day. Hes startin to get continuous headaches that take hours upon hours to get rid of. Should we be concerned? If you think so, please let me know what you think it may be and what I can do to help him. Thanks.

I want to learn Gaelic (Irish)?

You have to either get a book or cd and practice them or take a cl. My Cousin that lives in Ireland is a Gaelic teacher and she learned it from going to Gaelic cles as a child, but since she grew up in ireland it is much easier to find people that speak Gaelic to learn it from. The best method is to study books or Audio tapes.

I feel pregnant but shouldnt be?

my partner had a vasectomy 4 yrs ago but im getting all symptoms that im pregnant..tired..sore tender ..weeing..sick feeling..but getting cramp feeling as if im going to start my period but i had that with my other 2 kids..if im not pregnant than why do i feel like i am pregnant

Should I Trade LeSean McCoy and Dustin Keller for Michael Vick?

No way bro, there's no need for you to trade away McCoy and Keller for a backup QB. If you had a "not-so-elite" QB, then it may be worth considering.

Can landlord evict me when I payed rent?He is acting in retaliation-he doesn't want to fix maintenance issues!?

We moved into a condo in October. We payed first, last, and security. Our rent has been payed on time every month (even after our landlord would misplace the check-we would pay a 33.00 cancelation fee and re-issue another one plus postage!) We noticed a couple of days after moving in that we were missing screens in some of the windows. It is hot in Miami so we were concerned of not being able to open the windows. Roaches, lizards, and ants all can come in with no screen. We contacted him right away. He answered by stating "keep your windows shut". This is in a saved voicemail. Then we decided to turn on the 2 AC units that we have. To our horror the units didn't work! He then came over and stated he would buy new ones. That never happened. We started noticing that we were not being given very much hot water when taking showers or doing the dishes. We opened up the cabinet to the water heater, and again, to our horror we discovered that it was leaking...alot. We contacted our landlord right away however, he never sent a plumber over. He said that he didn't have the funds. We told him we would pay and deduct from our rent but he refused. In January we were startled at 3am by a loud "pop" in our bedroom. Our ceiling fan that our landlord had installed caught on fire! The fire department had to even come out. They turned off the breaker and told us that we couldn't turn on our electricity because it was a fire hazard. Code compliance gave him 48 hours to get a certified electrician out to the place. That never happened. Five days later he sent out an electrician. He refused service which is proven on the work order stating he didn't have the funds. As months ped, the water heater leaked more and more into the kitchen causing us to fall in the kitchen many times. We would slush in the kitchen as if the floor had become one big outdoor puddle. The smell was ridiculous and was getting worse. We finally sent a certified letter to the landlord telling him that the living conditions were not o.k. and that we couldn't take it. We were getting bloody noses and sinus issues from such a strong smell of mold. We sent the letter letting him know our move out date and when we could conduct the walk through. He refused to sign for the package. We then start receiving death threats and horrible text messages at all hours of the night. He told us he would poison our dogs. That we would come home one day and be locked out. That he had spent our security and so on. Yesterday, he comes to our condo we leased in a contract for one year and served us eviction papers with 7 police officers. This made it seem as though to neighbors that I had not been paying rent or that I was a horrible person. Thank goodness the president of the condo ociation was there to be an advocate on my side. He owes the condo ociation thousands. The people below my condo are pissed because the leak has gone into their condo which they own! And the lady is 8months pregnant. The leak is now being taken care of the ociation because the landlorn failed to. Now we half our wall missing in the bedroom which we can't use, drywall all over our bed and floor, black toxic mold covering the walls, and now we are getting illegally evicted. On the eviction notice he stated he was evicting me because of threatening his dog as well as himself?? Yet, admitted to the officers that he just lost his job and couldn't afford the repairs and furthermore, had no doentation of threats ever made by myself. We want our security back, this months rent back, and other monies owed to us for living in such filth. We tried to break the lease and yet we get evicted. This all seems unfair. We have contacted an attorney however, what are our chances of winning? We live in Miami Florida! Please help! Help from attorneys or lawyers is greatly appreciated as well!!!

The DHL world wide mailing service in the offical criss angel store....(read on)?

the mailing service in the offical criss angel store do you have to subscribe and be a member to get somthing from the store plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me!!!!

Will Obama Be in Jail by November?

Will Obama be indicted in connection to the Rezko case? After all, Rezko's defense brought up his name twice on Thursday and Friday. Is it possible that the defense will offer up Obama's head in exchange for a lesser sentence for Rezko? After all, the Obama-Rezko relationship is the most obvious example of a quid pro quo imaginable.

Had the Pistons made the Finals...?

I think the pistons would not be swept by the spurs. It would be a spurs 55% and pistons 45% game. So, they would either reach game 6 or 7 with the spurs having an upper hand. But for the record, the cavs deserved to win the series against the pistons. It wasn't give to them, the played well. They also deserved to be swept by the spurs looking at how they were playing.

Can anyone Help me with this Big school problem?

Do you want an education that will help you in the world you go into when you graduate, or do you want to always have your way, good or bad. Students on cell phones texting are not learning. Unfortunately many students are bringing knives and guns to school, thus the metal detectors. As for test scores going up, you have been preparing for these tests for years and hopefully have been taught the material better than those who first took the tests.

FFXII (Playstation 2) Question... What should I do?

First of all, steal before you kill monsters for loot. Also, here's a quick trick in the beginning of the game. Go into Estersand and go to camp in the next location. Then, the location after that hunt only wolves and run from anything else. Once you killed wolves in that location, go to the next location (make sure it's still in the estersand and NOT to go back to the camp) and kill the wolves there while running from anything else. Pretty soon you'll create a chain and this can be done endlessly, I made a chain of 100 once and got 200 loot. It's really helpful for your money problem and only takes 1 hour max.

Is the confederate flag patriotic?

Considering the confederacy tried to break away from the Union, and the fact that they supported slavery. Furthermore the confederate states adopted black codes and then Jim Crow laws. Actually today these states support the articles of confederation rather than the constitution due to the argument of state rights over federal authority. How is the confederate flag not considered racist?

I would love to get an om tattoo but i'm not a buddhist?

I know that Om is a religious symbol but I can't say that I consider myself a practicing or devout buddhist. I'm not completely ignorant of the meaning of om. I love what it represents, i'm just wondering if it would be offensive for me to have it tattooed on myself considering the fact that I am influenced by buddhism but im not a devout buddhist?

A song for a man in a music competition?

My husband is in a music competition, made it into the second round, and now needs to pick a new song and be ready on friday. They want to hear him sing something inbetween the songs they already heard...his style, which is similair to Jason Mraz, and the other song was Yesterday by Billy Joel. He needs something to show off his ability to really belt out and hold the long high notes. He is a Tenor, so it cant be -to- high. I dont know very much about music myself, so I hope I got enough information on here. Thanks in advance.

How does a acquisition of a company affect the stockholders?

You will have the right to sell your stock for cash to InBev for 70 a share or they will give you an option more than likely to convert it to the InBev stock. Take the cash and run, pay the capital gains at the current rates and after the merger and all the dust has settled if you feel the need to own InBev buy it back.

Is there any precedence for not having to pay taxes for being a conscientious objector of gov. in general?

THere are a lot of things that government does that is absolutely unacceptable- funding war, abortion, and the death penalty are three. Is there any precedence for people not having to contribute to such a disgusting government through taxation by claiming conscientious objector status?

Some Questions about eyes?

I would have thought that your umptions are correct. Your body adapts to the climate so you can survive.

Love him or hate him Marcus in the Big brother house?

Some might say chauvinistic caveman but I cannot help myself that I have warmed to him over the last weeks.This foul mouthed stalker has a softer side to him.I have been surprised that he usually manages to yze a situation and person spot on.He is perhaps at times misguided by his feelings but none the less an emotional intelligent person.He is a game player and thoruoghly entertaining !

WHo is S LAthan and Kenya Moore anyone heard of them why arent these women seen often?

no idea who kenya moore is but sanaa lanthan was in the movie brown suga love n basketball alien vs predator n some other one wit welsey snipes the name slipped my mind i have no idea why they arent so often sanaa lathan is my favorite actress i love her datz my gurl i love her movies but sumtimez hollywood is wack they need to make dat **** hollyhood like 3 6 mafia n bring dem gurlz bck

QUICK HEL 10 POINTs WTF why is spore dodgy?

WTH? when i begin to play spore for the first time in the cell stage there is no cell?? wtf?? its just the screen of the area and no creature wtf? where is it? it says i have to eat.. but there is no cell or no animals to eat wtf?? its just like a sorta blue changing screen? quikc help

Would funeral home work experience be beneficial or totally random?

I just finished my sopre year of college and am looking for things to build my resume. I am a recreation and tourism major. I'd like to work as a recreation program planner such as on a military base for the Morale, Welfare, and Recreation department. I've also worked for the National Park Service, so wouldn't mind working for them either. I've always been interested in the funeral industry and considered a career in mortuary science. However, I did not want to do that my entire career. Working in a funeral home would require the help to always be professional and involve working in a highly stressful and precise workplace. Besided this being something to my interest, it would also show I am able to function in these stressful and often difficult situations by isiting with funerals and visitations. Do you think this experience could be related to my future career or is this too far out there to try to relate to my line of recreation work?

Any other forums/sites that are as addictive as Yahoo! Answers?

I came across many other forums or BBS, but I feel YA is the most addictive. Do you know any other forums/website that make you so addictive like YA? :)

Strongly considering reverting, but...?

If you do believe in One All-powerful God as described by Islamic monotheism, you should pray to Him and ask Him to lead you the way and make it easy whatever He wants for you. Communicate with Him about your problem, and see what happens. Have a nice day!

The world today and having kids...?

I can definitely see where you are coming from. I have thought of this in terms of being a bad parent, having a diabled child, a war, or other catastrophe... I don't have kids, but from what I hear from people, it's worth it.

Friday, November 11, 2011

My 4 and a half mth old son won't sleep more than 15-30 min at a time.?

What can I do to make him sleep longer during the day? He sleeps all night sometimes 12 hrs at a time but during the day it's no go at all and we end up having no free time during the day for ourselves. Any advice? I heard it could be the sunlight but I've tried putting him in the darkest part of the room (Where his pack and play is) but it still doesn't work and I've heard of baby sleeper masks that go over the eyes. But I don't know about those.

I got my liscense suspended?

in tn and I lost it while moving to Indiana, how do you go about getting it back. I need to Reinstate it but I lost my DL number (am getting it) do i just reinstate it online then go to the DMV up here?

GW skeptics - how can you claim there's no consensus considering this study?

There's no consensus because people disagree! There are hundred's of scientists who disagree with the anthropogenic global warming theory! You just don't hear about them very often, because the media isn't interested in hearing what they have to say.

Should the Redskins get rid of Graham Gano?

Graham Gano misses a lot of field goals here lately. Most field goals he has missed have been field goals that would've won the game. When the Redskins played against the Texans,he missed a field goal in overtime that would've won the game. If it weren't for that,they would be 6-4 right now. He can't kick field goals from 50+ yards. Do you think they should get rid of him?

Pain in left chest under left . Gall bladder removed almost 4 years ago?

I get a pain in my left rib cage right below my left . It comes and goes and is a sharp stabbing pain. It happened and then when I went to the doctor they said I had gallstones they removed my gall bladder may 27, 2008 and It has still happened since then. I can't do anything to relieve the pain. Blood work si normal and so is EKG and xray....PLEASE SOMEEONE HELP

Doesn't everybody want the Bengals to win?

Wouldn't it be great to see the Texans in the playoffs, this is their first season over .500, do you want to see them in the playoffs?

A ghost story in verse, would you read, comment on or critique. Thank you so much?

i love the story. i am into the paranormal. so i like this kind of story and i will read it to my 3 grandchildren ,they will love it.

Could you see Chad Johnson in a Redskins uniform next season?

I'm a Bengals fan, and all I can say is, careful what you wish for, Skins fans, you just might get it. Chad is a great player, except when there is any pressure or stress on him, then he crumbles. He puts up great individual stats, but is not a team player. I am not going to be upset if they trade him. I would want them to get a lot for him though.

If someone smoked marijuana on April 22 (3 weeks ago)...?

Would that person p a urine test? Is 21 days a long enough time to clear oneself of THC? What if the person, on April 22nd, smoked about 2 joints? Prior to the 22nd, this person hasn't smoked in months....Thanks.

Any hair product recomendations to keep it healthy?

So i am dying my hair blue its going to be semi permanent but the thing is that my hair is natuaraly black so of course i have to bleach it i know that bleaching it and dying it will leave my hair dry and wraspy and it will be damaged. What are some hair products that you recomend me to use to get my hair back to healthy but without ruining the new hair color and not make it bleed? Ex. Shampoos conditioning ect ect

Please help me i'll give 10 points?

it sounds alright just this sentence "They supposed to love them and don’t give in to the pleading don’t to eat of the anorexic patient." doesn't make sense everything else to me makes sense

What is the most bizarre punishment you have heard of a parent giving their child?

I once knew a girl whoes mom would make her hold her pee if she misbehaved. She even made these special shorts that could not be removed so she could not go when she was away from home. I also read of this parent that would make her kids wear a suit and tie as punishment.

Can one be penalized or blamed for an unfinished task in a company if he is no longer employed there?

My cousin resigned from work months ago, and the company he used to work for is still blaming him now for some back jobs and stuff that was not completed when he was still working for them. They want him to asnwer questions etc. They were undermanned then, that's why he gave up, since he couldn't handle it anymore. Is this fair or correct for him? I mean making him involved now that he is no longer their employee? He did not even have a contract with them.

5 states broken the DNC rules Why ommit Florida and Michigan?

Because the DNC wanted a socialists candidate, B.O., & they knew Hillary would win Florida & Michigan.

What was the best concert that you have ever been to?

You know, your heart was pounding when the lights went down, you were horse at the end of the night from screaming and singing along to every single word, and there were those times when you were just plain in awe...your jaw was down to your belly on and you couldn't do anything but stare at (and listen to) greatness. Who was that band? When was the show?

Is there a connection between the loneliness epidemic and the fact that rudeness is on the rise?

Why are so many people in our culture losing their ability to connect with other people in ways that are deep, lasting, and respectful?


Use the ideal gas law to find the volume occupied by 78.27 g of carbon monoxide (CO) at STP. (The numerical value of R = 8.314 kPa-dm3/mol-K). (Note: Enter your answer in liters, 1 dm3 = 1 L).

Which of the 2 dissolution processes is more exothermic, on a kJ/mol basis?

We can consider the enthalpy of solution to be the sum of two terms: the expansion of the ionic lattice and the solvation energy of the ions. Since the two compounds have the same lattice energy, the expansion term is equal. Then, dissolving A in water releases more energy, because energy is given off when the ions are solvated by water.

Help with a math problem!?

there is a right triangle and the two legs are x and 3x and the hypotenuse is 40. How would i find the value of x?

What does plumbing code require for a basement condensate drain?

If there is an air gap between the a/c drain and the 2" PVC pipe it should be up to code. You also should have a trap in the 1/2" drain from the a/c to prevent pulling air backwards through the drain.

What is your favourite holiday destination in Australia - Snowy Mountains, Gold Coast, Darwin, Broome, Cairns?

Snowy Mountains, only mountains and scenery. Gold Coast , heaps to do and heaps of people. Darwin, hot humid and sandflies and plenty of beer. Broome, boring, nothing to do. Cairns. - beautiful. Barrier Reef, Kuranda railway, tropical rainforest, great climate. Cairns for me!!!

Perch� lui non vuole venire a casa mia?

a casa sua ci sono andata tranquillamente parekkie volte....a cena e tutto.....non capisco il perch� lui non voglia fare lo stesso con me......il fatto che non vuole venire a mangiare a casa e cose del genere sono segn che non vuole rendere le cose pi� serie??? boh non lo capisco proprio....ma che male ci sarebbe....a me farebbe piacere....ufff.....ma di che ha paura????mah

Nutty Trivia: The most popular search engine in China is called what?

Google your answer.. or pick a brain! Just bring it! Wait until we have one answer before posting your answer in the DB.. ty! Otherwise.. the no brainers come along and whistle dixie!

Does this girl like me?

im a 16 year old guy ive been talking with this one girl alot lately... shes bi and taken by a girl she flirts with me over text and weve only hung out a few times and she still is a little flirty but not really... im falling for her but im taken too but not surehow long its gonna last and she keeps hurting me and is my first gf... the girl is unhappy about her relationship but is falling for another guy too, but i wish it was me were talking like 24/7 and really like being around eachother and she always calls me babe or hon and always says how im so nice and sweet but then she told her mom she thinks of me like a brother... idk what to do does she like me should i get over her or how can i subtly let her know i like her without telling her?

Chicago sports fans only(lots of questions)

as much as i would like the white sox to make the world series, i don't see it happening. incidentally i have made the last 5 out of 7 picks for the world series . go with angels

Polls and Surveys:Where are you most ticklish?

I would say I'm most ticklish on my sides but once tickled I get ticklish everywhere....I'm so sensitive.

I like a girl who doesn't like me?

theres this girl that i insanely like and we used be friends. then one of her other mates told her that i liked her and then we didnt talk much after that. i really want to become friends with her atleast again and today one of my friends who is friends with her told me she tought i was wierd which just really got to me because i never did anything wierd in the first place :/

Ilive in a small Christian Texan town and am beginning to question my faith...?

My family, friends, teachers, everyone, I know is Christian. I can't give the name of my town out, but it's very strict. Non-Christians have moved here before, but their houses were egg bombed and the children of the families didn't really fit in in the schools, so most move directly out. Ever since I began using the internet regularly for school, I've begun to question the foundations of my faith more and more...although I still love God, I read some of Richard Dawkin's work, and some on evolution, and I can't believe everything anymore without proof (but I respect those that do whole-heartedly!). I tried to rely on faith but I want to be a research scientist when I grow up...it goes what I'm thinking at the moment and the kind of skeptical thinking taught in science. I'm not sure how much longer I can lie to my parents and town and enter the house of God without full faith in him. How do I reclaim my faith?

I would like to know the name of an old si-fi movie I seen on t.v. in the seventies?

I saw a movie on crecher feature were these aleons come to a small town in a flying saucer they took people from the town onto their ship and replaced them with copies. The movie was simular to invation of the body snachers but when the aleons died they would desolve into soapbubbles. I believe it was a very old movie because they didn't use blood.

Popular Vote Vs. Delegate Count...?

I feel that the popular vote would make it very difficult if the vote was close. It would take over a year and waste a lot of tax payer money to count all the votes. I think we should go away from winner take all in the general election. This would be the fairest way to make your vote count. This would make votes of the lesser popular party in your state.

San francisco??

im planning on living in san fran. Like getting an apartment. Im a lawyer so....i dunno the living style theyre so can you please tell me...

What is the difference between seo and search engine marketing?

Lol..actually they are both targeted to get sales. The whole point is that SEO optimized sites need to be publicized and no matter ho much SEO you do on customizing the site if it does not reach to the targeted niche market it is a lost cause. I saw PhoenixUP: http://www.phoenixup.com/boost-your-sales-by-being-smart/ , pick up from the virtual dirt sites that were perfectly optimized for SEO and brought down by lack of wisdom in publicizing. The professionals know that it is important to make the sites grow by personal approach .

Where can I find cheapest airfare?

I need to go to NZ (Christchurch) for my daughters' wedding. I need to leave on March 20 2010 and return on April 3, 2010. There are 2 adults and 1 senior. Time of flight isnt important. Need to depart from either LAX or SFO. Need price including all taxes and fees. Thanks. BTW, lowest I have found is 1028 USD on V Australia.

Does my mom have a wrong idea of the term INFILTRATE?

Your mom does have the wrong idea. I most often hear the word used with definition number 3 and 6. The main reason I heard it used with definition number 6 is that I used to do some medical transcribing.

Hey guys which would you date??

Yeah--I'm a girl and not like that but, Number 1 sounds very pretty--like everyone else said #2 sounds way too thin.

English to SPANISH help?

Go to this web site it is the best place I know and I use it all the time to translate pages and doents.

What is meant by the term "public option" (healthcare)?

I keep seeing it in these editorials I have to read for my AP Language ignment and I don't quite understand what it means. Is it just another name for the universal healthcare?

Best exercise machine for this price?

I would pick something like a cross trainer or treadmill, because you can walk on a treadmill while you are pregnant and then after wards you can jog and eventually run. The same with a cross trainer you can approach it very gently while you are pregnant and them ramp it up when you are ready too after wards. Good luck with the pregnancy and the exercise : )

"Relationship" Problem.?

You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. This guy has major problems. Any guy in high school who wants to date and settle down with a girl 3 years younger is NOT normal.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How did my toddler get shingles?

I did not ask the doctor how my child would have gotten shingles since he has never had chicken pox? could it be because of the chicken pox vaccine? Also, everything I have read says they are very very painful. He doesn't act like they are bothering him at all. Anyone else have a toddler who has had shingles?

French silk pie from Steak & Ale?

Does anyone who who supplies the French Silk Pie to Steak and Ale chains? the restaurant closed and i cant find the chocolate silk pie.

I want to write to my prof what should I say?

this fall, i was in a statistics cl. Math and I were not best friends to start with, but I went into stats cause counselor told me it was going to benefit me overall. By the time cl began, i fell behind. At this time, i stated to get too chill about the cl. I'd never failed a cl bfore so i didn't think i would this one. I was at first indifferent aboutthe prof.i never went to office hours or anything till almost end of the semester and i began to notice how extremely smart he was and what a good teacher I had and i was not taking advantage of that. I started to feel uncomfortable and embared that I was failing the cl. it seemed like he saw something in me. I felt it. At this point i began to try harder, but i was running out of time. I just had the final and he even tried to give me some clues on it. He usually grades me very harshly on tests and quizes. I'm thankful for that and i feel like i should have more closure. I want toget to know him better. I only took that one class at that particular college and i mostlikely won't take him again if i fail. do you think its ok to write him an email? what should i say?

My mother found my "toy"?

so my mother found my vibrator today (im a 17 year old male) and after a short discussion everything is fine, she's a very supportive mother. but i still cant help but feel uneasy but i guess i have no real question but I feel like I have to tell someone, so thanks for listening I guess..

Will this marriage work?

Please give me honest answers. A woman has been with a man for 3 years, the relationship was great, they loved each other so much, thought they would spend the rest of their lives together. However, the guy hurt the woman MANY TIMES with false promises of marriage. He said they would get married, then he got scared and postponed it. She felt so bad bcs. of this, but accepted him bcs. she loved him and knew he loved her. After 3 years and false promises she decided she didnt want to feel rejected like this again and risk "wasting" her life waiting for him so she dumped him. She goes out with a guy from her past, he immediatley asks her to marry him, he promises her a house, an immediate marriage, something she waited for so long with her ex. She accepts and gets married 4 months later, however, in her heart she knows she loves her ex more than her husband, and only got married, bcs. she didnt want to wait around any longer. Will this marriage last and be happy?

I have a scenario. suppose u were a member of the senate. the most recent novemeber elections have left the?

There is a tie breaker mechanism. Personally, I would vote what I felt best for the Country. This is a REPUBLIC, not a Democracy, and I would not be bound by majority vote.

What is Basic Training like at Fort Knox?

I leave to Fort Knox, Kentucky for Basic Training on Feb 28, 2008 and I would like to know in detail what its like. What do they make u do starting day one all the way until the day you graduate. My wife went to Basic at Ft Jackson and they say that ft jackson is a lot easier then ft knox, is that true? Why do they call Fort Knox "Hard Knox"?

If carbon dioxide is given out by plants,why plants do not store as it is needed for photosynthesis?

during respiration in plants oygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is given out but plants need carbon dioxide in photosynthesis so why the plants does not store the carbon dioxide instead of exhaling it out?

Filipino's English is dependable?

filipinos speak surprisingly good english, but they usually have a noticeable accent. so it won't be perfect, but it will be pretty good.

What is the deal with Literati, I am going crazy without it, HELP?

I keep hearing Yahoo know bout it , but wont tell us players anything bout it, whats with that? I am going though major withdrawals!This game is my relaxation time. So Yahoo, you need to fix this ASAP.

Why can girls have toys but men can't watch ?

I think you are perfectly right. Also point out that her " replica" is based on some REAL guy's REAL , so she is effectively having with someone else every time she uses it. I consider that far worse than - you're not actually having with anyone, just looking at images on screen.

Am I really lucky to have 13 conjunctions in my birth chart?

It means that alot of the times when you act out the energy of one planet you also have to act out the energy of anouther planet at the same time. The closer the conjunction the more strongly you act out the energies at the same time.

Is there a way for me to forget the past and move on? Please read i need your help?

A couple months ago i had an affair with a married guy (he took my virginity) which was the dumbest thing i have even done because i fell in love with him.My mother found out and he subsequently dumped me. I have learned from this trust me ,i will NEVER date a taken man again and i hope that every girl that reads this can learn from my mistake .I got over the initial pain of losing him and now i feel embared ,ashamed and full of regret I have locked off everyone that has tried to be in a relationship with me .It's a burden i fear i will have to carry for a very long time ,everything reminds me of the affair.Did anyone experience anything similar to this ?What did you do to get over this feeling of regret ??

Bought new carbon fork for racing bike but have bought standard size forks for oversized frame any ideas?

has anybody ever adapted standard size forks to fit an oversize frame any tips or ideas would be gratefully received has i have spent a bit of money on new forks

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Chimney located besides Auschwitz's alleged Gas Chamber, when was it built?

On the right side is located the hospital and kitchen for those running the camp. At the opposite end is a sport area and an area for growing vegetables and flowers. Facing forward is Commandant Rudolf Hoess' house. The chimney is about 8meters high and clearly visible for all.

Is there something wrong with my rabbits? ?

you could call a vet thats one option but if you don't want to waste money than i suggest you buy another cage so both have their own because im a master at rabbits i have four {pawsy,baby,lucky,and fluffy} there all healthy because there in seperate cages but also back to your question is do you take them out because my bunny lucky tends to do that a lot so does pawsy because we take them out a lot so we play with them and thats probably why ps pawsy isnt my bunny she is my friend aggy's bunny he waz for ten dollars for adoption also another answer to your question is maybe there scared of eachother because of the fight

Since the U.S. Congress is controlled by Democrats, shouldn't they take credit for the bad in Washington?

High prices at the pumps and in retail, the economy, housing slump and failure to bring the troops home are all blamed on Bush who only has veto power, yet Democrats are taking no steps to CHANGE. So why should we believe Obama, when he and the Democratic majority in Washington have done nothing to turn it around except talk circles and blame Republicans?

If Obama signed the Executive Order 11110. It could save the dollar and our economy?

They have no intention of saving the Dollar.The truth is the world is washing out all monetary systems,we are going to one world financial system. a chip will implanteded near the base of your wrist scanning it will give you access to any transaction you want to make

What movies do you think i would like?

i love the notebook, what a girl wants, and the sound of music :) i love movies that are uplifting and have good themes to them haha :) let me know if have if any suggestions, i would be so grateful :) i promise to give a best answer and feel free to leave your questions i promise to answer :)

What is the concept of Bleach 125?

Aizan has defected from the soul society,to gain more power as a Espada. But does he want more power? Does he want to rule both kingdoms by killing the King of the soul society or does he just want the secret of of operating the object that he stole from them before leaving for the underworld. Or is this concept totally off subject and added as a filler.

Do you believe that the Virgin mary is the Mother of God because Jesus is God?

Jesus is God himself so mary brough to the world to God himself? or what do you believe? do you separate Jesus of his divine nature and human nature?

How long can you continue an exercise regiment until your body "gets used to the work out?

Your body can adjust to a routine every three to six months. Its very easy to keep your body in 'shock' so that it never adjusts though. You can shock it by training with more weight than usual; doing more reps and/or sets; doing unfamiliar exercises; and doing your exercises in an unfamiliar order. You don't have to make a completely new routine every three months.

Traveling Puppy?

I am getting a puppy on Friday, but the drawback is that I can't pick him up until about 4 hours after the flight lands. So that would be about 10 hours that he would be caged. Is that too long for a one time deal?

Please! Rate my fantasy football team!???

A very good playofff team. You have a very good bench and your whole team is a little above average.

I need some good songs! Help?

I usually like All Time Low, Boys Like Girls, Cobra Starship, HelloGoodbye, Keri Hilson, The Maine, Metro Station, Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus, Owl City, Some Rascal Flatts, Taylor Swift, Some Tech N9ne, and 3OH!3 :) so if you have any songs like that or songs that they singg, let me knooww! Thanks so much.

How could i send a letter to Lupe Fiasco?

do you know how i'ld be able to get his address, i just want to tell him about how much he's impacted my life, kinda like a thank you letter

Packing question, strange items?

you could cut open a box and roll the cardboard around the items making a tube, then taping it closed, that's how I shipped some curtain rods.

Help for tomorrow please! (how to dress)?

so im gettin set up on this sorta blind date tomorrow. i goin ice skating. now im a figure skater and i always wear a practice dress or a skirt when i go skatin. im not sure wat i should wear tomorrow. apparently hes lookin for a skater. so should i wear one of mi skirts with a cute top nd jacket or should i wear a pair of jeans and a cute top? i kinda dont wanna wear the jeans, but ive nvr done somethin like this before, so im not sure wat to wear... if u could give ur opinions or a different idea, thatd b great! XD

Deos anyone remember what Rochdale College in Toronto Canada in the late 60's was all about ?

Rochale College existed in Toronto Canada in the late 60's and mid seventies. It had alot of infamy.

Cavs fans: Does it bother you that y'all signed Shaq?

Im a Spurs fan but I think that you are right. The thing is that the Cavs only made this trade to match up with Dwight Howard. That is the only reason. Nothing else makes sense. If the Cavs win, it will be cause of Shaq, not Lebron.

Fantasy Baseball rookie!?

Well first off, you took CC way too earlier. But thats OK cause you made up with it getting Zito way down there, thats just amazing. Also, tom gordon is washed up and Kelvim escobar sucks huge horse . Other than that your team looks fast and full of guys that bat over .300. So i would have to say you did very well.

Hawiian Luau Party.. Help..?

I am having a Hawaiian Luau Theme party for the end of the school year.. im 16 and its a pool party so i invited about 70+ people. Well Im going to have a Boys Bball tourni and a girls football tourni...but i need some MORE ideas... Help?

Is jerky bad for digestion?

I love beef jerky as a snack--high protein, low fat, low carbs, etc--and I buy the natural, nitrate-free kinds. But I have a sluggish digestion system, and I'm worried the jerky might not be helping.

How bad are cysts???

Hey I know this is a dumb question to ask. I was at my ob about 2 weeks ago cause of abnormal periods and because of major cramping. My ob ordered a sonogram and wanted to see if everything was ok. When i was 9 months old I had a hernia operation on both my ovaries and she wanted to double check and make sure that i didn't have one of those again. Well I went back there and that's when i found out that i have a cyst on my right ovary that's 2 cm in diameter. My ob told me not to get worried till its 4 or 5 cm in diameter. My question is will it go away or will it get worse?? I'm sitting here stressing and not sure what it is or anything like that. She told me not to stress out about it but, i can't help it. I take everything for granted and don't take things lightly when i find out something like this is going to happen. I'm only 28 yrs old and really don't want a hysterectomy yet!! Please help me calm down and not stress out so much!!

Changes in behavior after attempted runaway?

I really hope you don't live in the city. As you know Great Pyrs are bred to be out in the open, with room to move, protecting their flock. They will lay down their life in an instant to protect their flock, but will become destructive if not in the right environment. Working breeds that don't have a job can become pain in the ****. I hope he gets plenty of exercise.

I have a problem with video size for my Ipod clic 30 Gig?

iPod video is 320x240. I think a good option is to use Videora, it automatically converts files for your iPod

Are you interested in learning more about The Qu'ran?

The Guardian newspaper UK online is starting a blog reading of the Qu'ran by Ziaddin Sadar will read The Qu'ran from begining to end discussing it's verses.themes language and meaning startin Mon 6th. on Guardian.co.uk/comment.

Spanish conjugationn?

"A m� me gusta hablar por telefono.Hoy ______________." How would you conjugate this? i think you have to put something like vosotros or nosotros or yo or t� in front of it.

Iguanas and white, cracked, dry skin! INFO!?

just spray him with warm water as needed to keep him moist. if he seems to be having trouble shedding, give it a warm bath.

Use a Jack Microphone on Phono?

I have an unamplified 3.5mm Jack Mic i picked up on Amazon for 2 quid, how can i amplify it to play through a phono socket?

Don't you hate it when?

I hate it when I go in the fridge to get a drink of water or something from the jug, and the last person to use it put it back in the fridge empty. WTF? Does this only happen at my home?

I dont get it why do i feel this way?!@#?


Can I make a REALLY SIMPLE shepherds pie with these ingredients?

Cook your ground beef, preferrably with onion, salt and pepper (season salt if you have it works great). Drain and put in a cerole dish with your vegetables. I prefer a thicker stew-type, so mix 1 T cornstarch with your broth and pour over top. Top with mashed potatoes. You can put your stuffing in, but I'd save it for another day. If you have cheese, you can sprinkle cheese on top. Bake at 350 until it's nice and bubbly.

Repairing hole in the wall?

i just knocked out a hole in my wall with about a 3 inch diameter. who do i go about repairing that. the wall is drywall

If I cut a melon and only use half, how long will the other half stay fresh?

In the fridge in a ziplock bag? Does the type of melon matter as well? I chopped three; watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew.

Im about to be 19 and i nvr had a gf?

i get told im ugly alot and all my crushes reject me when i ask em out on a date? do they reject me cuz im ugly and unattractive?

Would The Dark Knight still be a good movie without Heath Ledger?

ok first off i'm going to point out that i may very well be biased since i am a huge christian bale fan and have most if not all his dvds on my shelves right now. anyway in answer to your question, i think the film would have been just as good without heath ledger in it. whilst he did play the joker pretty much as i imagined him, i feel as though it was the death of heath that made everyone love his role more. whilst i already disliked heath for the way his character treated the jake in broke back mountain (as though it was real life, how sad i am) i felt that the fact that heath is no longer with us made everyone single in only on his character and totally glaze over the other actors in the film. whilst it would have been unfair for the exact opposite to happen, i think people need to remember why the film is called batman the dark knight not joker what a guy or something. as for christian's batman voice, i thought it was a bit silly to start with but considering the technology gotham supposedly has, walking around using his normal voice would have been equally silly no? again i'm biased.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Does tour package includes visa?

im planning to have a vacation in Australia and im looking for tour package.,does it includes the visa processing or just a hotel and airfare only??? what about the visa processing???

George Carlin has died!?

Actually, I liked his books more than his stand up. If you have not read his books, then I really really suggest that you do. I must have gotten in trouble at least 5 times in High School for laughing randomly in the middle of cl, because it was so hillarious that I could not hold it in

What techniques do hospitals & laboratories use for diagnosis of diabetes?

Laboratory techniques or technologies currently in use for the detection & measurement of blood glucose, glycohemoglobin or antibodies in the diagnosis of diabetes (both Type 1 & 2)

1099-INT and 1098-T question for filing purposes?

I already filed my 2009 income tax but today I received a 1099-INT and a 1098-T. I didn't know that these were going to come to me. I called the IRS hotline and they said that I'd have to file a 1040X once my income tax came in. Since the amount is so low on both of these statements would I still have to include them on my income tax? For instance the interest income is only $18.00. Please advise.

Does anyone know this song??

I know part of the lyrics...It goes something like this...Ridin' through the city with my AC high, sittin up high when you see me ride by...can you plzz help...thnxx

How Much Longer Will Rap Last?

Easy question. How long do you think it will be before rap becomes obsolete and another genre climbs to the top?

To Write A Sonnet!!!?

just set the scene and maybe describe a conflict for the first two quatrains, than change it or make a solution in the last quatrain and drive it home with the couplet. bam - shakespeare

Recycling for cash?

Does anybody know of a plastic recycling drop off location that pays cash for plastic bottles and containers such as milk jugs? I recycle cans for cash but looking for somewhere to recycle my plastic. Looking for something close to 85382 zip in Arizona.

Gastric byp pain?

I had gastric byp 3 weeks back and am having terrible pain at my left rib. the area also seems to swell when I walk around. Is this normal? Could I have a broken rib?

Can I use regular gear lube instead of synthetic in my rear end?

I have Lucas 80 - 90 and heavy duty oil additive since nobody could tell me the exact oil then when I drained the rear end I found the tag that said synthetic I would like to get it running by morning.

Should I demolish these concrete footings and start over?

ok here is what you can do...get some Red Head bolts 8" long and drill with a masonary bit 1/2" down thru your new slabs and into the old..pound the Redheads in and tighten them down...you'll be fine


Will be easy.You make it sound so hectic,yet these are generally relaxing tasks.Fri. don't disappoint gran.Look you've got loads of time,just relax and do everything in an orderly manner.Problems solved

Im in desperate need of help!? NO actual !?

So on Nov 26 i spent the night at my cousins house and she had ppl over. but before i get into my qustion, i get pms a couple days or a week before im due. and i had sore and got my period nov 19 and it lasted 3-4 days. so it was gone already on nov26 when i slept at my cousins. well i slept NEXT TO this guy and we did nothing. but im scared that if he had a wet dream and came at night it couldve gotten me pregnant somehow. he had boxers/shorts and i had a thong and sweatpants. i never got on top of him and idk im really stressing out but i did get sore s a week before my period this month and i got it on dec 17. can stress have made it lighter and now i get random cramps at the side....or is it me just stressing?ALSO, today i got my period, well its just starting out but what if its light?

The perimeter of the triangle is 49 meters. The second side is one-fourth of the first side in length.?

The third side is 4 meters more than the first side. Find the length in meters of each side of the triangular region.

Curtain makers in London, UK.?

I have some material which I want made into curtains but no one is interested saying that they only use their own materials or only alter clothes... I cannot sew to save my life and adhesive bonding tape is not good enough as its a "Best room curtains." Thanks.

What do you think of these border colllie names ?

I had a collie named Storm she was a dark color and we founder her after a rain storm. Try to connect it to something of how you got the dog.

What do you think of using paper lanterns as decorations at an indoor wedding!?

I have no idea how to make the small room look bigger, and there is an UGLY mirror on one side of the dance floor,

Anyone ever re-enlisted in Sept. How does the bonus work? (navy)?

Hubby re-enlisted in Sept. we are confused about his pay. some said it would get his first installment around oct 1st.plus his bonus. what he got wasn't half what his bonus should be and seemed like to much to be his installment. how does this work..will he get more

Bed & Breakfast or cozy hotel in Galway?

My boyfriend and I are going to Galway for a weekend and would like to stay in a quaint hotel, none of the big hotel chains. We'd like somewhere homey and quiet where we can enjoy the countryside, but close to the city center. Any recommendations would be very appreciated!

Establishing a basis for IRA to Roth IRA conversion?

I took the opportunity to convert about $10k from IRA to Roth IRA because I will be in a lower marginal tax bracket than usual this year. That $10k is now worth about $6k. Is there any way to deduct the $4k in losses from my taxable income resulting from the conversion (I'm thinking something like using 12/31 prices of the mutual funds as the taxable amount)?

Whats that one song where theres a high pitched "ooo ooo" in the chorus?

right before the ooo ooo part theres a person singing something along the lines of "in my hostetter(?)"

Have the UK banks who were given/lent 40-60 billion pounds in 'bail-outs' paid the money back yet?

Some major banks went broke and were bailed out by the government/taxpayer. Since I'm penalised and charged interest when I'm overdrawn or lend from them, I wonder what interest they've paid and if the initial amount has been given back. They are paying out huge bonuses but, in 99% of other jobs, an employee would have been fired for messing up this badly, not given a bonus. Yet the CEO of my bank, Lloyds, is to get a �1,000,000 bonus after having to get a �40 billion bail-out because of the incompetence of his bank

Need help translating from russian to english (In english letters) 12/13?

Man, seriously, get yourself a russian friend that can translate! Or tell your friend to go there: a href="http://winrus.com/kbd_faq.htm" rel="nofollow"http://winrus.com/kbd_faq.htm/a so then you can use online translators.

Who to start at Running Back?

I need a third running back to start on my Fantasy team. I have Thomas Jones and Chester Taylor on my bench, or I could pick up Fred Taylor, Sammy Morris, or Kevin Faulk. Who should I start?

Making a DVD with wma, avi or rmvb files?

I just bought a new laptop yesterday and it has a DVD burner...I want to put media files that work with windows media player, realplayer...etc. Is it possible? Are there any downloadable software or programs that could help?

Copper in sushi/ or worse?

ok i have been eaing alo of sushi is here mealic or copper suff in i or is i somehing else? i also changed mi ooh pase and cleaned mi ongue wih i oo

How do you go about getting an mri scan? do you have to have a special reason for one?

i battle psychiatric problems and am waiting for a second opinion. ive been told i have a personality disorder and that i have no depression or mental illness. but i disaggree i feel alot of my symptoms have something to do with mental illness. in the past i used to have trouble contoling inner rage, and still do have to fight to stay incontrol, but in the past, i would start to feel detached, and i would get into staring, unable to blink or look away, like in a trans. then i would explode. in public crowed places to. i really made a show of myself alot of times. i would act out and attack people, barge into them, knock people over. all this time ive been wondering whats wrong with me. im 29 now. this has been goin on since 15. presentley i suffer terrible low moods and have no energy. ive socially isolated myself. i have constant racing thoughts flooding through my brain that make me feel disorganised & muddled up. i have paranoid ideas of persecution. and high levels of anxiety

Monday, November 7, 2011

Where can i apply for a ration card as im new to pune and live in wanoworie pls give me the details & procedur?

get de-listed your ame from old ration car and get the certificate of same and go to your area's ration depot. Submit your present address proof long with certificate and they will do the res. Or you can also go to Corporation Office.

Airsoft field in bay area?

i love airsoft and know alot about everything but the fields. i looked for hours and cant seem to find one near me that i can go to. i dont mind ~$20 entry fees, but i hate the bb requirements. i need a field that doesn't requite biodegradable bbs. combat enterprises is out of the question and so is anything that makes you buy bbs from them like they do. any help? please?

What's the difference between hd dvd's and blu ray dvd's?

I'm wondering the difference between the 2 and I'm wondering if hd dvd's are obsolete and not being made anymore

Could i be pregnant , or period coming ?

It's unlikely that this is a symptom of pregnancy. It is more likely a symptom of something else. I would suggest that you take a look at this website for answers - a href="http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003146.htm" rel="nofollow"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/…/a

What adult personal websites are best?

Which adult websites are the best for meeting women for NSA casual encounters? Real women, not bots or cams... Pay or free, any of the above.

Star wars ????????????

why is it that in ANH, Luke appears to have a green saber at a part of the film? (2004 dvd).http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dvdactive.com/images/editorial/screenshot/2006/9/falconsaber1977.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dvdactive.com/editorial/articles/star-wars-the-changes-part-one.html&h=243&w=565&sz=51&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=08GREAIay_WKPM:&tbnh=58&tbnw=134&prev=/images?q=luke+skywalker+training&um=1&hl=en&rlz=1T4DKUS_en___US208 (scroll down a bit)

I don't know what to do anymore?

I'm in love with a man who insists he loves me but is not in love with me. He says he wants to hold off on for a bit saying that things got too complicated because of it but just today and most days he kisses me hello goodbye and several times in between. I stay at his house and he just holds me tight all night and when I move away from him he takes it personally. We text all day, either arguing or writing poetry back and forth or just talking. He always gives me updates on what he's up to and I see him every other day at least and i spend the night at his house at least twice a week. While we where seeing eachother he told everyone we wheren't in a relationship, but after I left he called me crying to get me to come back around and later explained that he tried very hard at our relationship. (that we where never in?) about once every two weeks he "Dumps" me, even though we aren't in a relationship. sometimes I don't exist to him even when I'm in the room, and sometimes I'm the center of the universe no matter where I am. I'm some sort of masochist i guess, because I let him sucker me back in after every I don't know what to do anymore-love you but I'm not in love-i still want to be friends-doesn't my friendship mean anything to you-kick through the drywall-makeout-crazy session we have. Damn pretty eyes. Am I a stupid girl? am i being lead on? what kind of b ackwards honesty is this? We've been on an emotional rollercoaster for six months, and it's driving me mad.

How to play a clean sweep picking?

I cant really suggest any great videos.. however a great book to get is The Book Of Sweep Picking by Frank Gambles. Its overall a great tool to help improve your sweep picking.

Is it OK to connect a handheld Alan 42 cb to a linear amp.? This would be setup in my car.!?

I just want to know if it can be done and if it will damage the handheld if it is done, not interested in any legal isues.!

I have a weird question about drinking?

Too sum it up. It's called being drunk. Times alcohol will give a person false courage and it makes them do things they normally wouldn't do. They can also forget about some incidents and remember others. Alcohol does that.

Should I stay in my home city, or take a leap to a new one? Need impartial advice!!?

You don't say how old you are so I am guessing you are pretty young. I have moved many times in my career and there are very few exceptions that it was the right thing to do. If your career is important to you, your willingness to relocate gives you the appearance that you are willing to take new challenges - which is important to move forward in your career. You will make new friends and still keep the ones you have in Nottingham. Go for it!

Why is there blood in my sons nose?

Your son most likely has very thin membrane or walls in the back of his nose. The blood most likely diffuses through, but most likely doesnt have anything to do with the wall carpet or cats unless he is alergic. If he is alergic the antigens from the cat could be entering the nose and since the baby may not have nose hair yet, it could be his bodies natural defense barrier to the antigen.

Is chartered accountant eligible as lecturer in mba college?

No. Chartered accountant is not eligible as lecturer, otherwise he also qualified for lecturer in a college.

Mini Oven at a decent price (UK)?

This isn't the same as you've been looking at but a friend of mine has just bought a microwave oven with convection oven, microwave and grill for about �50 from Curry's. It their own Matsui brand and it also has a stainless steel lining. I thought it was great value for money and you could use it after your new re-fit too maybe?

Why do you do martial arts, and what type of martial arts do you do?

I am interested in training in some martial arts (I used to and would like to get back) but I can't really think of why I want to... So why do YOU do it. ALSO- Do you do full contact, point, KO, etc.

Soapstone dust effects?

A freind of mine was recently remodeling his house He got soapstone countertops i was in his house when the man who was installing htem was cutting them and i inhalled a bit of it as well as got some in my eyes can being around it that one time cause blindness or respitory illness?

Could you teach me the meaning of,,,?

i think its just saying that the us and other "western importers" which could pretty much include all of england and asia, should be concerned about what china is doing

Where is the best spot to level my characters in Final Fantasy 12?

Ozmone Plains. Or you can just circuit. Like, travel back and forth from Rabanastre to the Eruyt Village and fight the monsters you meet along the way. That's what I do. Also, cycle your characters. Like, use three characters after they leveled up three times (as in they're all the same level) and then switch to the other three characters.

How do you get rid of awkward silences?

I know how you feel, I am someone who is there for a lot of awkward silences because I am shy even though I talk A LOT! If you want to make small talk and get rid of those silences, try asking your sister what your brother-in-law likes and loves to talk about. Then research those things and you might even like them. But once you know a little bit about those things, you can talk to him about them. You will be an excellent convo-starter and people will be like I want to talk to you!! Good luck and hope I helped. :)

If Ms. Kate Middleton after marriage refuses to have kids, can william take legal measures?

If middleton refuses to have kids and produce an heir, can william dump her a$$ and marry another woman?

Help please?

There is a guy that is the best looking person I have ever seen up close. I want to approach him. The only problem is sometimes he seems interested and others he does not. We have been e-mailing back and forth some. He sent me a message at the beginning of the week just to say hi and for me to have a great week. But then when he sees me at the gym in person he won't say anything. What do I do? He always looks at me and makes eye contact in a room full of people. When I catch him looking at me, he just looks away. We are adults so this feels like a kiddie game to me.

Names for my Niece -- Help me think of alternatives to suggest to my sister.PLEASE :)?

I think you might be more successful just supporting some of her not so bad names. It is her baby after all. Juniper is not a bad name, and June is a cute nickname. Cadence and Elliette (though Eliot is a better spelling) are also not that out there, neither is Brynlea.

Possibily Pregnant- Answers Please!!!:?

Well seeing as it is past the time for your period then you could take a test and get an accurate result at this point. If you are craving the foods you were craving when you were pregnant with your first child it may be one of the tell tale signs for you to indicate pregnancy and the other things you have listed can indicate also. As far as periods during pregnancy, they are not actual periods because it is impossible to have a period while you are pregnant. It is not uncommon however to have l bleeding throughout pregnancy that can be mistaken for a period. You should take a test and if you are pregnant consult a doc to determine what the cause of the bleeding is and to make sure nothing is wrong. Best of luck to you!!

How far do you think Drake will go?

in a year he went from his grandma's basement to being on everyones ipod. do you tink that he's reached his peak or he's still getting better? I just hope that doesn't end up pac or biggie, i don't really think that he has that much enemies.

What bodily motions and faces do you make whilst trying to hide the fact that you are laughing hysterically?

as soon as i read this question i laughed hysterically! I try to laugh without makin a sound at first, but that doesnt work. then i suck in my lips, but then i may blow snot out of my nose. Its a no win situation!!!!!!! Just laugh

What qualifies a question or answer to be deemed as an insulting rant?

In reality just about anyone here can claim a question to be insulting and a rant only because they can. I have never been successful in appealing a question or an answer being reported in violation and subsequently being deleted. There are people who will report anyone simply because they either do not like the person who is asking a question or the person who answered a question.

Song lyrics?anyone know this song?

the chorus goes here i am ive always been is this the way lifes supposed to be oh noooooo,oh nooooo" its newish and dancy...thanks

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Latinos do you see (Che) Guevara as a hero or a terrorist?

i see him as a freedom fighter since i was raised in colombia and he is like a hero to us...was he good or bad

I really want to do a ballet dance to 4 seasons...?

We have 4 older more experienced dancers at our studio. I'm one of them. I really want to do a dance to four seasons. I think it would be really pretty. We could each dance to a shortened version of each season with tutus that looked sort of like that season. Only me & one other of the older dancers is in ballet company, but we all take ballet cles. How can I convince the teachers to let us do it?

Do you watch Gilmore Girls?

on DVD or TV (or both) I love this show and so far I have complete seasons 1-6 but can�t find the final season on dvd (please help)

Is your dogs from a reputable breeder?

my papillon is from a reputable breeder, my pom is a rescue from petland (I DID NOT BUY HER- SHE WAS GIVEN TO ME), and my rottencow (rotti/chow mix) is a pound puppy.

Monuments in which some mathematical concept is involved?

hey..i just got my holiday homework in mathematics and they've asked us to prepare a project on a monument in which some kind of mathematics is involved....i am in X grade and want the mathematics simple....i'd be grateful for your help!!

Phil Brown and Hull last year?

What was that song phil was singing in the center circle wen hull escaped relegation last season. what are the words. i hear it across every epl stadium .

What uk pal release for the ps3 should i buy next?

been and done GTA5 saints row 2 metal gear solid 4 need something brand new and uptodate that someone recommends, silent hill 5? tomb raider underworld??

Are we now going to be bombarded with Muslim challenges to our dress codes?

Once again an american icon employer is being challenged by the Muslim ideals. For years Disney has employed millions with no complaints but now this Muslim seeks her moment in history by filing this dumb suit. The charge should have been dismissed immediately but our Muslim president is working in the background to destroy another institution. The press should not have even covered it. Why this gets page one coverage when those defending us is barely reported amazes me.

Two house cats suddenly fighting?

Cats recognize each other more by scent than by sight. When Clark came back in he probably smelled differently than before he left the house. He was also seen outside by Mozart, where both your kitties have seen strays "tresping". It's unlikely that he recognized Clark as a friend after this incident. If their fights are as severe as they sound, it is best to separate them and reintroduce them slowly. The two articles below are excellent. They discuss these two types of aggression and how to deal with it in your home.

Why are Upstate New York and Michigan suffering economically, while nearby Ontario is thriving?

Have you read the Toronto Star lately. Where did you get your information? The unemployment rate in Ontario is over 6%.

I need help correcting my over processed hair?

OK, so I have naturally dark blonde/brown hair. I have been dying my hair dark auburn for years (using Feria 66). I always get compliments and people can't believe I do it myself. So, I was stupid and went to a hair dresser and asked her to make me blonde. She totally screwed up my hair and after $200, I came home with cabbage patch yellow hair and orange roots (not to mention destroyed hair). Unfortunately, I couldn't go back to have her fix it, because I left on vaction 2 days later. In order to be seen in public, I bought an ash blonde color to try to get rid of some of the briness. It still looked horrible, but I didn't want to mess it up anymore. Its now been a month and I can no longer tolerate my hair. I just dyed my hair with a different shade of auburn, that said it would work on blonde hair. So now my hair (except for the roots) appears almost pink or burgundy color. I want to go back to dark auburn. Can I now dye over this color with my normal dark auburn?

Does this make sense to you?

Yahoo removed my question yesterday. I asked if I was the only guy on yahoo that didn't have questions about self pleasing or male enhancement and didn't obsess about being average sized. I see several questions about these topics every day.

No lipstick s. Where are they?

I want a lipstick . "tantrums like a baby" =( I can't seem to find one. I'm not into butch types. I 'm staying away from those straight girls. They're a waste of time. Sad life. :(

Question about The Crucible, help please!?

so im doing an english project on the play the crucible and i have to make a newspaper. for one of the pages i want to do a for sale thing but i need some ideas of things that would be for sale by people of salem at that time. the only thing i thought of was a poppet. any other ideas?

On the sims 2, on my friend computer when something happens it shows a video, but mine it doesn't?

Well, on my friends computer, if the sims have Woohoo it plays a video were the man sueezes her bum, and you can't pause, or zoom out it's a video were as mine isn't. Like this video >><

Density conversion between kg ml and g?

A metal coin has a m of 0.05564 kg. The coin was dropped into a graduated cylinder containing 75.2 mL of water. After the coin was submerged the volume of the water read 77.8 mL. Is the coin made of silver or platinum? (ρAg = 10.5 g/cm3, and ρPt = 21.4 g/cm3)

When I have a blood test, what tests do I need them to take to determine if I have a thyroid condition?

T3, T4, and TSH yes. If you do have a throid condition try and find the best Speech Pathologist you can find. If you live in northern Illinois then Central Dupage Hospital has a great one there, best in the country.

I need help with an essay on Hamlet?

Well, Hamlet's responsibility is to avenge the death of his father. The ghost conveyed to him that Claudius usurped his father via murder and treason. There's this quote that goes something like "If thy ever didst thy father love... Revenge my most foul and unnatural murder." It occurs somewhere around the ghost scene. But it seems that Hamlet is conscious about a moral code he should abide by - near the beginning of the play, he contemplates suicide, but recognizes that this would infringe upon God's will. So one of the problems of revenge is that it may conflict with our morals, values, etc. In the prayer scene for example, we see Hamlet's conscience in action. Hamlet's revenge is also somewhat hypocritical - he is avenging his father's death which was an act of regicide (killing of the king), yet he plots to kill king Claudius. Someone is bound (and technically, the citizens of Denmark have a responsibility to) avenge the death of Claudius, but by killing Hamlet (who is prince), this could also be categorized as treason. This cyclical nature of revenge and retribution is also another problem.

How do I create a debt management program?

I did an internet search and all lead me to already established debt programs. I want to set up my own debt management program, which can negotiate with creditors, consolidate loans etc... How do I get started?

Chicken pox and 5.5 mths pregnant?

Hi, my daughter is 5.5 mths pregnant, and her friends daughter has just had chicken pox, i know it can be dangerous if my daughter should catch it while pregnant but she has already had it a few years ago, but my question is, if she should go round there is there any chance of maybe her friend getting shingles from her daughters chicken pox and my daughter catching shingles off of her, sounds confusing but i hope you know what im getting at, any help please. Thankyou.

What's the best way to meet a gay guy?

Is it at a gay bar, online personals ad? What? There isn't that many options for a gay man in Michigan.

Americans objected to the Tea Act of 1773 because it would?

its e just to let ya know well and also they abolished it cause they wouldnt let americans trade with other countries

Having my 2nd trimester ultrasound on Monday morning?

i am so excited,my doctor scheduled my 2nd trimester genetics screening ultrasound for early monday morning..but my husband just started a new job this past week and for the next 3 weeks he is on probation, he can't be late,leave early,or miss any work unless it is an extreme emergency. so my sister in law is going along with my 20 mth old son..i know that i will probably get several pictures for him,,but do you think it might be possible for the doctor who is doing it to possibly give me a video of it as well? i cannot wait to see my little peanut, and maybe get to see whether it is a lil Jonathan or a little Olivia...

Ever had all 4 of your wisdom teeth removed at once?

If so, how was it? What should I expect and/ or know ahead of time? Im getting mine pulled tomorrow morning and im absolutely petrified.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

My daughter sick????

my daughter natasha comed homed todays n shee sick!!!!!! she koff n hak,,,,,,,,,,then she throw uped in me kar!!!! i trii n makes her feel bettered by GIving her pak of malboro/////she lite upped n feel lill betters!!!! she koff lill bit mored........whats u thinks i wrong w/ her?????? why she not feels good??????????? hows dose i makes her feels All betters????? thaks!!!

Invasion Story Line. Please read the whole thing?

I usually hate reading stuff like this but i must say im glad i did that was great however somewhat realistically speaking WWE wouldn't dominate every single match they had plus you left out a lot of better superstars that would be better than cm punk to represent as the best of wwe how about Undertaker Triple H John Cena Edge Big Show, If that did happen also i'd be pissed if I didn't see Triple H vs Samoa Joe, BIg Show or Kane vs Abyss, and Undertaker vs Sting. However great idea even if i disagree with some of it overall nice job.

Ughhh i hate this! /':?

Yeah sometimes your skin just reacts differently. One time my cousin waxed her eyebrows byherself and she got these gross zits all over the top of her eyebrows. And one time i used the cream hair remover and it made it red and it like cut my skin. Next time just get it done professionaly, thats the best way to do it.

I like this boy and he likes me but i liked it better when we were friends wat should i do?

the boy i liked name is malcolm and he likes me and i like him but it was better when we were friends but he really wants us 2 be go out but i don't i don't know what i should do??

Spirtually speaking:doctrate degree in world religons, please help?

What you study at university is not always what you spend your life doing. A degree tells an employer that you have perseverance and intelligence, qualities she will be looking for. Go for it.

Are non-Jews Really donkeys, created to serve Jews?

Donkeys don't put people in concentration camps. Neither do they support their masters with jet fighters and tanks when they're invaded by muslim donkeys in tanks and jet fighters of their own. (Though all of this would make for a very entertaining movie.)

Do these sound like the same fatuous reasons for invading Afghanistan that the USA gave?

At the time of the Soviet invasion & occupation in 1979, Pravda reported that "The aim is to prevent the establishment of... a terrorist regime and to protect the Afghan people from genocide", and also to provide "aid in stabilising the situation and the repulsion of possible external aggression". Is it any wonder the Afghans aren't buying any of the bullshite reasons NATO (ie, the USA) claim they are there?

Hey, I heard something weird is this really true?

I read on The Futon Critic website that a Canadian network was going to air second run episodes of a third season of Rock of Love with Bret Michaels, please tell me this isnt true, but if it is I understand as he said in Vegas last installment, "Lucky at life, but not lucky at love."

Devil worshipers, aren't you a bit worried about your boss?

They like to enjoy nights in white satin lol, seriously though many satanists follow the cult teachings of Leveyan satanisn which is a kind of religious dogmatic atheism

Hottie spent a considerable amount of time last night professing to me her undying love for Ompelle?

so do you think it's going to cause a riff in our already unstable "friendship" when I tell her that I'm falling head over heels for her too? Who do you think Ompelle would pick when it comes down to it?

Are Oneness Pentecostals part of the true Body of Christ?

I do not believe that Oneness Pentecostals are true Christians. Why, you ask? Because of their false doctrine of the Godhead (they deny the Trinity - that God is one in three distinct persons). They also believe that one must be water baptized by immersion to be saved, that one must speak in tongues to have genuinely receive the Holy Spirit, and that women must not wear pants or contemporary attire or they will be banished to hell at the final judgment. They are a works-righteousness religion that claims to be Christian but is really no different from cults like the JWs and Mormoms.

Orange, blue, pink.., know of any hairdyeing brands with those types of colors?

hi, i am looking for a type of hairdye brand that has orange, pink, blue,greeen..., those kind of colors.., does anyone kow of any brands?if so where can i get them at?